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History accounts that St. Valentine wrote love letters to a jailer’s daughter while he sat in prison for his faith. He was martyred in the third century…an abrupt ending to the lovers’ letter exchange. Love letter writing has been going on for a long, long time. 

It was through letter writing that my romance with Joel sparked. We met on a Christian dating site and sent long letters back and forth in those first weeks. Admittedly our letters were in e-mail form, but I eagerly awaited each one. Through the words we typed, we shared about our past, personalities, and current work and school life. Even before I met him face to face, I learned about who Joel was through his letters. His letters grew the first feelings of affection. 

Photo by Mandy June Photography

We still write letters to each other. They look different than the first e-mails we sent. Now I know Joel and our love is a committed and promised love. The letters are bit steamier now and they tell also of our appreciation for the character and traits of the other. 

This Valentine’s Day, what if you penned a love letter to your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend? These letters take time to write and through them, your lover can know (again or for the first time) how you feel about them. Letters are often kept and treasured- they can be read over and over. Taking time to express your thoughts into words will draw you both closer.

Photo by Mandy June Photography

Here are some ideas to aid in the letter writing brainstorming. I am going to assume it is a female writing to her husband (you can adjust accordingly to fit your circumstances).

  1. Write and tell your husband why you respect him.

Husbands need wives’ respect as a woman needs her man’s loving care. Can you think of some reasons you respect your man? Does he work hard to provide for your family? Does he do the bulk of the cooking and feeding of your household? Does he take your family to a church service on Sunday? Is he a great learner and is good at figuring a new project or accomplishing a new task? Tell him! His eyes will shine reading the reasons why you respect him.

2. Write what you are thankful for in your relationship.

An important area in which I want Joel to know I am thankful is in my role as a stay-at-home mom. It’s a good gig and I have him to thank for working hard so I can raise our children at home. Just a few days ago I wrote to tell him a big thank you for shouldering so much responsibility in providing for our family. What is something you are thankful for in your relationship?

Photo by Mandy June Photography

3.Write and tell him something steamy.

You are married and it’s a perk of the relationship to flirt and talk about the time between the sheets. Tell him what you like about it. Use your descriptive and playful words and make sure your kids don’t read the letter (*wink*). 

4. Write about what you admire about his character.

You know him best. What do you see and admire about who he is? Write it down and tell him what you see in him. Show him in your words what you admire about him. Be lavish in your praise!

My hunch is if you take the time to write this letter, you will be giving your husband an important and meaningful Valentine’s gift. You’ve got this… happy writing!

-Kassie Joy

Photo by Mandy June Photography

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