Blog Entries

A One-Word Theme

I am a big fan of fresh starts. Life doesn’t have many “do-overs” and we don’t receive a rewind button. But after the lights and love of Christmas, and glitter and champagne of New Year’s Eve, it’s time to turn the calendar. And, just like that, we get a fresh start! 

 To invite in the new year, I adopted the practice of choosing a one-word theme. I heard of this idea from the podcaster Jami Balmet who has been doing this practice for a long time. If my memory is correct, John and Stasi Eldredge from Wild at Heart also talk about this idea. It is not a hard tradition. You can pray, look at a few goals, or decide what needs to change in your days, and then pick a word. 

I think of the one-word theme as an umbrella, action plan, area of study, or all of the above. When it acts as an umbrella or banner, it covers the year with an area of focus. In 2018, I selected the word “family” for my theme. My family was where I would focus much of my time and energy. You can also think of your one-word as an action plan. Choosing a word like “devotion” like I did in 2019 can help move you in a desired direction. That year, I wanted to lean into my relationship with God through my devotion to Him. You can also pick a word that encompasses an area in which you want to grow and learn. “Rest” was my word for this year. I learned some lessons related to resting. 

Last month I was outside pulling weeds, keeping an eye on my busy son, and thinking about my word for this next year. Like a seed dropped in the ground, I felt an idea sink into my soul that wanted to take root. The idea: 2021 was a year to specifically focus on my marriage. This felt right and excited me. I the word I would choose for the upcoming year would encompass this desire to grow my marriage. I thought of the word that same day. My word for 2021 is “oneness.”

Photo by Many June Photography

The word makes me think of Joel and my trip to Colorado Springs and our stay at the Broadmoor. We went for a marriage retreat/get-away. “Oneness” captured the goal of marriage taught at the Weekend to Remember marriage retreat (I highly recommend this conference). By choosing this word, I want it to be my umbrella, action plan, and area of growth for this new year.

Though I am good about making plans, I am not the best at remembering them through a whole year. So, I decided for this next year I would put a few goals in place that would help me stay focused and learn. 

First, I wrote out a list of Joel’s likes and dislikes. You know the saying, “It’s the little things.” This is very applicable in marriage. When keeping in mind what my husband prefers and what bothers him, I can remember to love him in the little ways that he enjoys. For example, I know that he likes when I pack him a lunch for work. It is a small way I can show him he is important to me. On the other hand, he gets frustrated when I try talking to him if the kids are being loud in the same room. I sometime just start a conversation while our little zoo is roaring and hooting. He can’t hear me over the din and he prefers not to have to try. When writing down these simple like and dislikes, I found practical ways to honor my husband. This can draw us closer in oneness. 

Second, I want to pick out 12 books and 4 podcasts to read and listen to this next year. Learning more about men, marriage, and my God-designed role as wife is my reason for picking out these resources. I love to read and have a little library started in my office. I am going to browse it to find a marriage book to read each month. Then I will listen to a podcast each week on marriage. This is how I plan to add to my knowledge in the area of oneness so I can keep growing. 

Lastly, I am going to make a plan on how to be praying for Joel. To create this plan, I will answer the practical questions of when will I pray, where will I pray, and what will I say when it comes to talking with God about my marriage. 

If you like this idea of a one-word theme, you can make it as simple or complex as you desire! The word could be your focus or umbrella for 2021. It could be your word describing actions you want to take. Or it could be the word to describe what you want to be learning and growing in. 

In the hustle and celebrating that surrounds this season, don’t forget that a new year is getting ready to knock on the front door. Perhaps you can ponder how you want to invite the new year in as you bake cookies or wrap presents. Can you pick a one-word theme that could be your umbrella, action plan, or area of study…or as I did, have your word incorporate all three!

-Kassie Joy

P.S. If you pick a one-word theme, I would love to hear about it!

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1 Comment

  1. Joanne Mulder says:

    I’m inspired! Thanks for sharing. As always, the pictures are beautiful!

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