Blog Entries

This Little Light

We tromped through the brush in our fashion boots. Dodging the muddy spots, Mandy took some test shots with her Nikon. She mentioned that it should be the perfect time of day for lighting and she would shoot with backlight. When I admitted I didn’t know what she meant by backlighting, Mandy explained that it’s when the sun is behind you in a photo and there is a soft glow around you. 

I pretended to be comfortable posing in front of the camera. As I smiled, I thought of how my bangs needed a trim and I hoped my tummy pooch didn’t show. Then her husband held the camera to capture Mandy and I together,and the real fun and laughter started. I stopped fixating on my appearance; instead we discussed different ways to pose with our notebook and camera. We stood in the winter evening smiling for the camera and further scheming this dream of June and Joy. 

Photo by Mandy June Photography

Mandy, the seasoned photographer knew light is essential to bring out the beauty in a photo. She did capture photos with backlighting that evening and showed me how the glow looks like a halo around our heads. The light revealed the beauty; it shone and improved the photo’s appearance. (You see several photos from that nightcurrently throughout this website.)

As a photographer works with sunlight, the camera shutter, a flash setting, and the colors in her photos, she captures the beauty she sees. Her skill is not only in seeing an opportunity for a beautiful picture, but knowing how to best capture the photo. The photographer doesn’t make the mountain range, sunset, or family of four that sits before her camera. Yet, she notices and captures the beauty so everyone can see the photo and remember the lovely details displayed.

Photo by Mandy June Photography

This idea of noticing and creating light brings to mind the children’s Sunday school song This Little Light of Mine.The song holds the repeated line: Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine. The simple song is a reminder of a Biblicaltruth. God calls us to “Let your light shine before others,that they may see [our] good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”* If you believe that Jesus is God and came to save all creation, you house a light inside. This light is essential to bring out the beauty in you. Yet this light is not just inside the people who know God; you can see it throughout creation.

Here at June and Joy, our goal is to shine the light of truth through the words and photos of this blog. By pairing stunning photos with words focused on goodness and God’s beauty, we want to be spotlights pointing to Truth. With darkness’ growing oppression, it may feel as if goodness is lessening. With evil parading itself with pomp and style, it might seem darkness is stronger. I sometimes think to myself (especially after reading the news or viewing social media), “our world holds more wrong than right.” With so many dying, suffering, and hurting, I wonder what have we gotten ourselves into. There are also hours when the repeated tasks of diapers, dishes, and dusting dull my eyes, causing the world to look gray. Both the world’s suffering and the mundane can numb me from seeing the beauty shinning in the everyday moments. The darkness, hardship,and monotony are only part of our story. Everyday, there are babies being born, stars in the sky, people sharing gifts, and prayers being answered. These and a myriad of other marvels showcase a great truth: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” **

We only have to light a candle, flip a light switch, put the match to the campfire kindling, or hear a little child sing This Little Light of Mine to know that light always trumps darkness. Every single time, a flame pushes back the darkness and we can see where we are going. 

I want to shine a light here.

This space is our small candle. We know we aren’t alone. Do you also house a light inside you and have the ability to notice the light all around? Our job is to be the photographer and messenger. Can you capture what you see to remind others of what is beautiful and true? Will you point and zoom-in on the beautiful light around you? Can you record the truth in your mind or on the pages of a journal so you and others can see clearer? We must notice the light around us– sometimes a spotlight and other times a small flame- and share it with our world. 

Photo by Mandy June Photography

Join us on this journey each Thursday when we share a new post. Together we will peer closer at rest in the busyness, caring for others, making the mundane happier, and living life well.

Seeing the light together,

Kassie Joy 

* Matthew 5:16

**John 1:5

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  1. Hi guys! Congratulation for your site. I’ve started a blog too with the Reese family. I’m a christian and happy to see sisters out there! Please count me in your email list. I would love to hear more of you!
    I live in Quebec, Canada.
    If ever you’d like to take a look at my site, here it is. It is in french though.
    God bless both of you 💗

    1. selbykassie says:

      I wish I knew French and could read your blog! At this time, we don’t have the ability to e-mail our blog. Thank you for reaching out.

  2. Robyn says:

    Congratulations and Best wishes on your blog. I look forward to seeing her fabulous photos and reading your writings. best of luck June and Joy!

    1. selbykassie says:

      Thank you for the kind words!

    2. Mandy, Mandy June Photography says:

      Thank you so much 🙂 Love that you are enjoying the blog!

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